If you have particularly sensitive skin or don't like tweezing because it hurts you can use baby teething gel on your eyebrows before hand to numb them.
The only tools you need are a pair of tweezers/wax strips and a makeup brush or pen. To determine where they should begin, arch, and end, you hold the brush up to your face as a guideline and follow the lines.
The purple line is where you would hold the brush up to your face to see where your eyebrows should begin. You can either mark it with eyeliner or just eyeball it after you take away the pencil. If your eyebrows naturally extend beyond this line, you can pluck or wax those hairs away, but be careful to leave the top edge still slightly rounded as in the photo so it doesn't look unnatural.
The blue line is where you hold the brush to see where the arch should be placed. It does take some practice to shape them naturally especially if you have a lot of stray hairs/thick eyebrows like I do. Eyebrow stencils can be helpful for this so you can follow the shape as a guideline and just adjust the arch to where it needs to be, or you can have them professionally waxed/threaded to shape them and then keep up on the maintenance yourself.
The green line is where they should taper off. If your eyebrows extend past it you can pluck them but again be careful to leave a natural shape at the ends so it doesn't look like you went to town with the tweezers which I have done on accident before several times, whoopsie doodle.
Thickness is a personal choice so there's really no right or wrong answer. Mine are naturally really thick so I thin them out quite a bit but I think I'm in the minority for too thick eyebrows. I get mine professionally threaded because it's way too big of a task for me to try to get rid of my unibrow and crazy hairs above and below my eyebrow all on my own, the amount of eyebrows I have is just ridiculous! But they do grow fast despite me getting them done so in between threading I either pluck them or use at home wax strips which you can cut into very small strips and just grab a whole line of hair which I find better than tweezing since I am impatient, then I usually go back in at the end and get the strays with tweezers.
My favorite wax strips are the Sally Hansen face wax strips and the Veet wax strips. I tried the Sally beauty supply brand and I didn't really like it and it only came with about half the strips that the other two did for almost the same price, not cool. So that's it for my eyebrow tutorial I hope you guys found it helpful! I can make a video showing how to fill in your eyebrows if anyone would like to see that also, just let me know!
Thanks for reading guys, I will be doing some giveaways in the next week or two so stay tuned. Also I will be giving my 100th follower a little something too so be sure to follow me so you don't miss it! Talk to you guys soon :)
makeup mistress
OMG. This is really helpful. I'm not too upset about my brow shape, but I never seem confident enough to try something different because I don't want screwed up brows. I usually wax the middle and pluck the arches. I'll have to use this as a guide the next time I pluck my brows. :) Thanks!