Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I am not smart enough to use Bare Escentuals....!!!

Ok...so I finally got the Sephora package I ordered with the free Bare Escentuals. Here are my thoughts on it, I am bracing myself for the hate mail already! hehe

When I first opened it it had a little sticker on this plastic lid that said "remove before using" so I took the little lid off and then proceeded to spill some on my counter AND the two colors kind of spilled into each other a little bit so I uttered some lovely grown-up words and tried to figure out why they would package it that way....I realized maybe they meant just remove the sticker so I dug the little lid out of my trash can (ew!) and washed it and put it back on. Granted I could take the blame for this one for being dumb but I would have appreciated if they said "remove STICKER". Hmmmph!

I popped the lid thing back on and figured out that it has a little parmesan cheese type lid where you turn it to expose the holes and the product comes out that way. I was iffy about this because it was hard for me to get the extra product I didn't need back into the container, much less the right side of the container. So I finally figured out how to work the damn thing, excitedly grabbed the included V shaped face sculpting brush and went to work.

Ummm I looked like a clown hooker drag queen! The color was so pigmented I picked up way more than I needed, and it turned out to be a much brighter bubble gum pink than the mauve hue it was in the container. But this was my first experience with BE so I had no idea how pigmented they would be, I just assumed it would be lighter since their whole theme is natural beauty etc. And the V brush? HOT TRANNY MESS.
Maybe someone out there who has this brush has mastered how to use it but I really didn't like it at all. Also I have no idea how you're supposed to get the product into the middle of the brush to get it onto your cheeks. I got product on both ends of the brush but not in the middle so I had a fabulous reverse blush/racing stripe look going. More adult words were said before I decided to wipe it off and start the whole process over.

I used one of my MAC Hello Kitty mini blush brushes to apply it instead of the crazy grandma lady V brush and it was muuuch better. I purposely used a smaller blush brush than my usual one because the container is pretty small and I was worried I would get color all over my face if I used my full size brush, and me and the V brush definitely broke up. If you have this product I would recommend using a smaller brush to pick up the color and build on it as you go.

Now I finalllllly put it on a little at a time with my smaller brush and I was happy with how it looked on my face once I figured out the best way to apply it....but as I said before it is pigmented so be sure to build up the color slowly one layer at a time. It had pretty decent staying power throughout the day and did look quite natural (which is a strange place for me...where's my glitter eyeliner?!?) so I will continue to use it but if I had paid for it I have to say I would be a little disappointed.

Overall I would give it 2.5 lipsticks out of 5. I hated the packaging and it's pretty messy still even though I got the lid on. The V brush was really hard to use, maybe I just need to watch someone use it or maybe it would have worked better if I was trying to go for a different look. I immediately thought "If I can't use this brush and I do this for a living I can only imagine what beginners think about it." I was pretty shocked by how pigmented it was and I did like the color but as I said before it didn't really seem true to the color it looked like in the container. It did look pretty on me and it went on nicely once I figured out how to actually put it on. Maybe I'm just not smart enough to use this line?!? ;)

Okay readers...thoughts? Anyone use the V brush and love it? Anyone use this product and love it?

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